14 July 2008

unwitting year in review

i have been perusing all of my writing from...well forever for poetry and dreams to anthologize in zine form. typically i don't look back to three, four, five years ago to read all of life's excruciating minutiae i felt it was necessary to detail at the time. but now.

a couple things from last summer, just about this time, that i found interesting:

28 july 2007
mikah sent me a text message about feeling small yet incredibly full. i feel small, and that's about it. maybe it's not worth it to worry about such unimportant things. maybe. self-analysis, petty critiques of people i know, when the great full moon is pulling the ocean tide out of my reach and clouds are gathering to shed rain on this earth and atmospheres and people and human nature are singular to this planet, at this moment...we think. i will never be bigger than my body, but my heart, i believe, can exist outside of myself enough to grow up big. i am waiting for my heart to grow up.

29 July 2007
ladi said to me the other day, "the only people who really know what it means to be white are people of color." love it.

1 august 2007
...i think it's just about taking what you need and leaving the rest for others. that's why i don't need an extravagant house or a car or anything.... i want to move into a house full of vegan activists, buy my food in bulk, eat out less or not at all, make cunt quilts, survive on something as meaningful and frivolous as art. consume less, create more, give more.

funny how things still resonate, or still provide something to think on, or even how i detailed a goal, a desire, and have since manifested it ('bulk food and vegans' is pretty right on the mark)...and am happy. funny how much i am and am not the person i was a year ago. how in a year i will and will not be the person i am now. movement, change. emotional metamorphosis.

where i was last year at this time...

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