17 July 2008

prototypia apronia, etc.

lovely housemate micah modeling the apron...

this was rather painless, considering i didn't design it; i got the pattern from Simple Sewing, a gift from friends for my last birthday.

i spent the day at the library thinking about blogging, business, zines, and spirituality. i perused bloglandia for a couple hours looking for good poetry/short story/literature blogs to regular. but no luck. most poets who are truly making careers out of it are busy submitting to journals/mags and not trying to give it up to the masses gratis.

a convoluted description of my mood today:
on my way back from the library i saw a woman with all of her stuff in suitcases in the middle of the street - it looked as though her set up had crashed in on itself, causing everything to sprawl across the center island on guerrero st. someone was helping her, and when she finally got all of it together again she said to him "i just need to be alone right now." moments of chaos producing that moment of self-awareness, a clarity in personal need...
when she said that, i thought i feel the exact same way. minus my shit spread out in the middle of the road.

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