29 July 2008

Fanny. Pack.

the fanny pack, like most things from the late seventies, eighties, and early nineties, is making a comeback. in leather, nylon, and novelty prints; from gucci to jansport; the fanny pack is everywhere. and despite its recent return, hipsacks, bum bags, and belt packs have really never left the style radar. and now that i've dusted off my old fanny pack from the trove of childhood frippery, i use it all the time.

but the fanny pack need refreshing. it needs...it needs...well what exactly it needs is what i am figuring out.

a good fanny pack in houndstooth, perhaps. plaid. solid fabrics with silkscreens. funky fabric combinations and contrast stitching, of course, as is signature to the AsterFig handmade style. i'm sitting at my drawing board and it's all being cultivated.

of course, i can't leave this post without mentioning raging fun-loving booty bass crew FannyPack.

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