09 September 2008

2+2=4, 2x2=4

as a friend of mine said recently about my 24th year, "2 + 2 = 4 and 2x2=4, that's kinda cool. i'm no mathematician, but i think that will never happen again." i have a weird aversion, personally, to even numbers. in my mind, 23 was the perfect number. but i haven't given up on 24! in fact my list of personal challenges for this year is going to be no small feat to accomplish. but 24 is off to an auspicious start regardless...

having been unemployed the last three months and generally questioning what next steps i should take in my life, i have been turning over and over the possibilities. these include, but are not limited to going to vocational school to learn a trade and extend my unemployment, cashing in any money i have saved away and moving to a beach city, and getting a job as a bartender and spending my days sewing.

after some consideration and talking to my closest friends for a little bit of understanding about how big life decisions are made, i think i've figured it out. i woke up one morning and like an epiphany it came to me--what i really want is to learn more in the field of design. my classes at apparel arts have been a good learning experience for me, but taking them once a week isn't really bringing me the structure and breadth of knowledge i ultimately want from an education in design. so. i'm going back to school, full time at City College of San Francisco, and availing myself of their ever-growing fashion design program. i'll be pursuing certificates in fashion design as well as image consulting. very exciting, immediately gratifying, and affordable.

to help me with this decision, the universe has given me a little nudge in the right direction. last thursday night at a gallery reception for artist susanne winterling, i wore for the first time the very first skirt i made through my patternmaking and design class. there i met del geronimo, a photographer who is helping to put on a fashion show called planet x in san francisco. after spending some time admiring my accessories and generally chit chatting, he asked me whether i'd be interested in being the stylist for the show. the stylist! if ever there was a carrot to dangle in this horses face...well. that was a friggin golden carrot. of course i said yes.

a special outfit, a golden opportunity, and a decision is made. it's my first week of being 24, and i'm no mathematician, but i think i'm off to a good start.

1 comment:

on2 said...

i am so proud of you! this is so exciting that you're on your path and that you're gonna be a stylist for a fashion show! keep rockin' hard aster crafter. 2+2=4, u+me=us!