11 September 2008

100 Butches: welcome to crushlandia

Elisha Lim has a special place in my heart, partly for her self proclaimed experiment with "sustainable unemployment," but mostly for her comic series 100 Butches, where she details many influential lovers, friends, crushes, and admiration-worthy women from her childhood to adulthood. It's reminiscent of those crushed-out notebook scribbles from middle school, albeit a more detailed (and perhaps thoughtful) creative process is involved.

100 Butches is a perfect example of what inspires me: it's an artistic expression of the personal, handmade with lo-fi techniques (all elements of my beloved DIY movement) and thus necessarily frames the artist in a political context because inevitably, her positionality in the world is reflected in her art. (in this case, the paradigm is gender complication and women. butches - a personal favorite.)

you can read a short interview with her at the blog Art Threat.

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